Welcome to the Good Morning Life
A daily blog and micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Tuesday April 20, 2021. (day 110)
Today is #NationalcheddarfriesDay
Tomorrow is #NationalTeaDay
Let's make Homemade Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream!

It's a perfect Tuesday! Perfect for making Homemade Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream!
With the new business on the horizon I am experimenting new ice cream recipes and today's play in the kitchen will include some of my very favorites: Fresh Raspberries, Cream Cheese, milk, cream, vanilla and sugar. Wholesome ingredients, pure, no harsh chemicals, additives or preservatives... just real good deliciousness!
Ok, so who's ready for this beauty? Let's get started...
Today I'm using my brand new ice cream maker from Nostalgia, which I purchased on Ebay (link) for about $40. I did some research on this machine and compared to a fancy $300 machine this one came out ahead, making ice cream faster and much more creamier. I was sold. I like quick, easy and fast recipes without sacrificing delicious taste. So I got it and now I'm ready to see what this baby can do!
So for today's recipe we'll need
4 oz softened cream cheese
1/2 cup condensed milk
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup 2% milk
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 Ice Cream machine Nostalgia brand
1 bag of ice/ approx 10 cups
1 container of table salt or rock salt

To Prepare: Place Ice Cream metal canister in freezer for 30 minutes prior to making recipe.
To Make:
Whisk softened cream cheese until smooth.
Add 1/2 c Condensed milk and whisk.
Add 1 cup frozen raspberries and mix together
Add 1 cup heavy cream and stir.
And finally add 1 cup of 2% milk and stir well.
Bring metal canister from freezer to counter and pour ingredients into container and add lid.
Set into Ice Cream bucket into the notch at bottom.
Get your ice ready to start layering.
Add a layer of ice around canister about 2 inches tall.
Pour salt on top of ice. About 1/4 cup of salt.
Layer more ice. Add more salt.
Keep layering until you get to the top.

Attach churn motor on top of canister inserting the turning mechanism into the top of the lid opening.
Connect to power outlet to start and let run for 30 minutes.
That's it! Once it's done, you'll have creamy, delicious amazing Homemade Ice Cream!

Believe me, once you have homemade ice cream, you won't want to buy the store brands.... plus you'll be eating something wholesome, with pure ingredients... that's a huge plus!
Ice cream brings Joy to the world... it's a nice place to be. Just sit back are savor the deliciousness of this natural ice cream and breathe in the beauty of life. Live in the moment... the sweet, delicious moment of your beautiful life!

I hope you make it and share it. Share the joy of goodness and bring smiles to life!
Happy Tuesday!
Belynda Farias

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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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